Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oct. 29 In Class Exercise

1. Select one of the following themes:

-Zoology Foundation
-Online Dating
-Child Day Care
-Organic Clothing

2. You are to develop a limited color palette/scheme(2-4 colors) for the purposed interactive site. Reference the color theory handout and Think about the cultural associations we have with color, how color can evoke emotions and affect the interactive user's point of view.

3. Based on your selected color palette, create a textured background utilizing subtle gradients, overlay of patterns, textures, etc.

4. Create a wireframe of the proposed site. Block out where the logo, navigation links/buttons, main content, images should be positioned in relation to one another. Use grids as a guide to align and position similar objects.

Save your work as a jpg named "yourname_exercise08.jpg" and drop onto AI share drive in the Exercise 08 folder by the end of class.

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